Fixed assets
Overview of fixed assets has never been easier. The program offers a variety of search criteria for fixed assets, automatic report generation, sending reports via email and much more.
Module fixed assets supports:
- keeping a register of fixed assets
- reports of fixed assets register by the given parameters
- possibility of adding into the fixed assets register directly from input of received invoices
- depreciation groups
- depreciation
- different searching options in registers of fixed assets using special parameters (by inventory numbers, name, quantity, place of cost, historical cost, date of purchase and status: a write-off, active, fully amortized,etc.)
- ability to import into registry of fixed assets from a file (in case you have used another program), automatic posting calculations of depreciation and transfer to the general ledger, other reports, such as register of fixed assets, inventory list assets,depreciation of fixed assets by the inventory numbers, depreciation of fixed assets by chart of accounts and place of the cost
- additionally, the program allows you to send all documents via e-mail, resulting in a more efficient communication and comparative overview of all fixed assets between accounting services and additional in the case where a party is not itself a user of E-računi